Our Eye Care Location in Red Deer

Red Deer EyeCare Centre

Our Address

  • 4402 49th Avenue
  • Red Deer, AB T4N 3W6

Take 49th Avenue going north. We’ll be on your left in the same parking lot as FreshCo.


Experience Zeiss Lenses

Zeiss is a world leader in precision optics, creating lenses that are exceptionally well-designed with your real life in mind. 

From SmartLife lenses constructed for the way you use devices, to PhotoFusion lenses for seamless transitions between indoors and outdoors, and groundbreaking myopia control technology for children, Zeiss creates the lenses your family’s eyes deserve.

ZEISS logo

Our Services

Dry Eye Therapy

Leading dry eye solutions tailored to your needs.

Children’s Eye Exams

Start your child’s eye care journey with the help of our team.

Adult & Senior Eye Exams

Protect and preserve your vision throughout your life.

Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands

Give your eyes the gift of clearer vision.

Our Brands

See Our Google Reviews

What Happens During a Children’s Eye Exam?

Children’s Eye CareEye Exams

During a children’s eye exam, your optometrist will check your child’s visual clarity and prescription. Then, they’ll thoroughly examine their eyes to determine how healthy they are, and they’ll keep an eye out for any potential problems. This lets them gain a proper understanding of your child’s development and gives them an opportunity to intervene and address any problems to help preserve your child’s vision in the long run. […]

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May 16, 2024
Dr. Daryl Berger

Why Do I Wake Up with Dry Eyes?

Dry EyeEye Care

Dry eyes are unpleasant at the best of times, let alone when you first start your day. You could wake up with dry eyes for many reasons such as a decreased blink rate while you sleep or your eyelids not completely closing overnight […]

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April 22, 2024
Dr. Daryl Berger

Contact Lenses for Astigmatism: What Can I Use?

Contact lensesRefractive Errors

Toric lenses are typically the first choice for astigmatism correction, but there are a few other options available. […]

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March 26, 2024
Dr. Daryl Berger
A male optometrist examines a little boy's eyes while the mother smiles.

During a children’s eye exam, your optometrist will check your child’s visual clarity and prescription. Then, they’ll thoroughly examine their eyes to determine how healthy they are, and they’ll keep an eye out for any potential problems. This lets them gain a proper understanding of your child’s development and gives them an opportunity to intervene and address any problems to help preserve your child’s vision in the long run. […]

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A young woman sitting in bed rubbing her eyes with her right hand.

Dry eyes are unpleasant at the best of times, let alone when you first start your day. You could wake up with dry eyes for many reasons such as a decreased blink rate while you sleep or your eyelids not completely closing overnight […]

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A woman holding out a contact lens on her index finger

Toric lenses are typically the first choice for astigmatism correction, but there are a few other options available. […]

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