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Up-To-Date Eye Care Information

Find answers and information for all your eye-related questions on our professionally-curated blog!

Can Myopia Be Reversed?

Cute smiling child undergoing an eye exam with an eye doctor behind her.

Maintaining excellent eye health is essential for people of all ages. At The Eye Care Centre, we advocate for regular eye exams for both adults and children, starting at six months old to identify potential vision issues early. Although vision problems are often linked to aging, they can affect anyone, including children who may develop […]

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Can Cataracts Return After Surgery?

Drawing of a healthy clear eye next to a cloudy eye with cataracts

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful procedures performed worldwide. This surgery usually results in improved vision by removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial one. However, many patients and their families often wonder: Can cataracts return after surgery? While cataracts cannot return after surgery because the cloudy natural […]

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What Happens During a Children’s Eye Exam?

A male optometrist examines a little boy's eyes while the mother smiles.

During a children’s eye exam, your optometrist will check your child’s visual clarity and prescription. Then, they’ll thoroughly examine their eyes to determine how healthy they are, and they’ll keep an eye out for any potential problems. This lets them gain a proper understanding of your child’s development and gives them an opportunity to intervene and address any problems to help preserve your child’s vision in the long run. […]

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