Maintaining excellent eye health is essential for people of all ages. At The Eye Care Centre, we advocate for regular eye exams for both adults and children, starting at six months old to identify potential vision issues early. Although vision problems are often linked to aging, they can affect anyone, including children who may develop […]
Eye Care
Why Do I Wake Up with Dry Eyes?
Dry eyes are unpleasant at the best of times, let alone when you first start your day. You could wake up with dry eyes for many reasons such as a decreased blink rate while you sleep or your eyelids not completely closing overnight […]
How Long Can Eye Strain Last?
Usually, eye strain only lasts for a few hours after you take a break, but the symptoms can last longer in some cases. […]
How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam?
Our eyes are often referred to as the windows to our souls. They allow us to experience the world and all its beauty in vivid colours and clear images. As we go through life, we must take care of our eyes’ health and prevent any potential issues from arising. One way to do so is […]
Do Contact Lenses Expire?
In Canada, contact lenses expire, at most, 5 years after their date of manufacturing. Contact lenses should not be used after their expiration date. […]
Are Polarized Sunglasses Better For Your Eyes?
Protecting your eyes from the sun is important. We depend on our sense of sight more than any other, and polarized sunglasses are a great investment if you want the best in eye protection. They’re ideal for reducing the sun’s glare while protecting your eyes from UV rays. If you spend a lot of time […]
How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?
Eye exams are an important part of taking care of your ocular health and should be regularly booked based on your age and other contributing factors. A typical eye exam can range in time, taking anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes based on the tests and questions your optometrist may be performing. Annual eye exams […]
Scratched Cornea vs. Pink Eye: How to Tell the Difference
When your eye becomes red, watery, and painful, it’s a sign that something’s wrong. The first step to feeling better is to determine what’s causing it. Could it be a scratched cornea, a scrape on the clear dome on the eye’s surface? Or could it be pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis? Experiencing common symptoms […]
How Often Should Seniors Get an Eye Exam?
An eye exam is a powerful tool that allows your optometrist to get a detailed look at your eye health. Eye exams are often associated with simply updating your glasses or contact lenses prescription. While that’s a primary function of eye exams, they do much more. Let’s take a closer look at how often seniors […]
Do Eyes Have to Adjust to New Glasses?
If you have glasses, you likely need a new pair now and then, whether you have a new prescription or change frames. Your eye doctor can provide you with a new pair of glasses, but do you need to adjust to your new lenses? Continue reading to learn more about new glasses, including if you […]