Myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness) are two common vision problems that cause blurry vision, resulting from an irregular eye shape that does not bend light correctly. Myopia makes far-away objects look blurry, while hyperopia makes nearby objects look blurry. Myopia and hyperopia are refractive errors that can cause difficulties in daily life. Knowing the difference […]
How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?
Eye exams are an important part of taking care of your ocular health and should be regularly booked based on your age and other contributing factors. A typical eye exam can range in time, taking anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes based on the tests and questions your optometrist may be performing. Annual eye exams […]
Scratched Cornea vs. Pink Eye: How to Tell the Difference
When your eye becomes red, watery, and painful, it’s a sign that something’s wrong. The first step to feeling better is to determine what’s causing it. Could it be a scratched cornea, a scrape on the clear dome on the eye’s surface? Or could it be pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis? Experiencing common symptoms […]
What Happens at a Contact Lens Fitting?
Many factors go into deciding the best contact lens for you. This is why when you’re ready to go frame-less, you’ll need a contact lens fitting. A properly-fitted contact lens can go a long way in ensuring you have clear vision and healthy eyes. A contact lens fitting will help your optometrist get all the […]
Does Laser Eye Surgery Hurt?
When you come in for your regular eye exam, you’ll likely hear of the variety of treatment options for people with refractive errors. Whether you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism, inevitably the idea of laser eye surgery comes up. Maybe you’re tired of remembering your glasses or find contact lenses uncomfortable, whatever the reason, laser […]
Is Glaucoma Hereditary?
During a comprehensive eye exam, your optometrist will likely screen you for glaucoma. This screening process usually includes fairly in-depth questions about your family’s eye health history. One of the primary reasons for the questions is due to there being a hereditary component to your risk of developing glaucoma. It’s important to note that even […]
How Often Should Seniors Get an Eye Exam?
An eye exam is a powerful tool that allows your optometrist to get a detailed look at your eye health. Eye exams are often associated with simply updating your glasses or contact lenses prescription. While that’s a primary function of eye exams, they do much more. Let’s take a closer look at how often seniors […]
Do Eyes Have to Adjust to New Glasses?
If you have glasses, you likely need a new pair now and then, whether you have a new prescription or change frames. Your eye doctor can provide you with a new pair of glasses, but do you need to adjust to your new lenses? Continue reading to learn more about new glasses, including if you […]
Laser Eye Surgery Aftercare
Wondering about laser eye surgery aftercare? Read on as we discuss a few laser eye surgeries and how to prevent complications and stay comfortable afterward. […]
The Do’s & Don’ts After Cataract Surgery
Is your vision starting to get blurry as you age? If it is, there’s no need to worry! Cataracts can result in symptoms like hazy vision, faded colour vision, or poor night vision, and are a completely normal part of ageing. If these symptoms sound familiar, book an appointment with your optometrist today! Only your […]