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What Is Commonly Misdiagnosed as Pink Eye?

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Side-by-side image of an irritated red eye and a clear healthy eye, highlighting symptoms of pink eye and effective treatment

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition characterized by redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelid and the white part of the eye. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergies, or irritants. While pink eye is often easily recognizable and not typically serious, it is frequently confused with other conditions such as:

  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Allergic conjunctivitis
  • Corneal abrasion or scratch
  • Foreign body in the eye

At Red Deer Eye Care / The Eye Care Centre, we provide comprehensive eye exams to accurately diagnose and treat the underlying cause of your eye irritation. 

Common Conditions Mistaken for Pink Eye

While pink eye is a well-known and frequently diagnosed condition, it is not the only cause of red, irritated eyes. The following conditions are often misdiagnosed as conjunctivitis:

Dry Eye Syndrome

  • Redness, burning, blurry vision, and itching are hallmark symptoms of dry eye, which can resemble pink eye.
  • Caused by insufficient tear production or poor-quality tears.
  • Left untreated, it can lead to chronic inflammation or corneal damage.
  • Management includes artificial tears, prescription drops, and modern therapies available at our clinic.


  • Allergic conjunctivitis is triggered by allergens like pollen, pet dander, or dust.
  • Symptoms include redness, watery eyes, and itchiness, typically affecting both eyes.
  • Treatments include antihistamines and avoidance strategies tailored to your specific allergens.


Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

Corneal Ulcers


  • Inflammation of the uvea, the eye’s middle layer, presents with redness, pain, and blurred vision.
  • Often linked to autoimmune diseases or infections.
  • Treatment may involve corticosteroid eye drops, dilating drops, or (rarely) systemic medications.

Eye Irritation from Foreign Objects

  • Dust, sand, or debris can cause redness and discomfort, resembling conjunctivitis.
  • Professional removal ensures the object is safely cleared, and irritation is minimized.
Eye care professional examining a patient using advanced diagnostic tools to identify and treat common eye conditions

Why Misdiagnosis Happens

Misdiagnosis occurs because many eye conditions share overlapping symptoms. While it’s easy to assume redness and irritation indicate pink eye, conditions like dry eye or allergies require different treatments. Relying on professional diagnosis ensures you receive the correct care for lasting relief.

Misdiagnoses also happen because people often self-diagnose or rely on online information instead of consulting a professional. While some cases of pink eye can be treated at home, more complex conditions require an optometrist’s expertise

When to See an Optometrist

If you experience prolonged redness, discomfort, or changes in vision, consulting an optometrist is essential. Early intervention can prevent complications and provide targeted treatment. You should also seek care if your symptoms worsen, if you develop sensitivity to light, or if your vision becomes blurry. These could be signs of a more serious condition requiring immediate attention.

At Red Deer Eye Care / The Eye Care Centre, we use modern diagnostics to identify the cause of your symptoms and provide expert care. Whether it’s pink eye, dry eye, or another condition, our team is here to help restore your comfort and vision.

How to Prevent Misdiagnosis

To avoid misdiagnoses, follow these steps:

  • Seek professional care: Regular eye exams can help catch issues early and provide an accurate diagnosis.
  • Avoid self-diagnosis: While online information can be helpful, only an optometrist can provide a definitive diagnosis.
  • Track symptoms: Noting when symptoms occur and what worsens or alleviates them can provide valuable information for your optometrist.
  • Maintain eye health: Easy tips like proper hygiene, washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your eyes, can prevent infections and reduce symptoms.

Prevention Tips for Pink Eye

Preventing pink eye starts with good hygiene and thoughtful habits. Here are some tips to help keep your eyes healthy and reduce the risk of developing conjunctivitis:

  • Wash your hands frequently: Clean hands are one of the most effective ways to avoid transferring bacteria or viruses to your eyes. Make it a habit, especially before touching your face or eyes.
  • Avoid sharing personal items: Items like towels, eye makeup, or contact lens cases can spread infections. Keep these personal items to yourself to minimize risks.
  • Clean and disinfect contact lenses: Follow your eye doctor’s instructions for cleaning and storing your contact lenses. Always wash your hands before handling lenses, and regularly clean your lens case to prevent contamination.
  • Manage allergies: If you have allergies, avoid triggers and use antihistamines as needed. Keeping allergies under control can reduce the likelihood of allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Wear protective eyewear: Use sunglasses or safety glasses in dusty or windy environments to shield your eyes from irritants that can cause inflammation.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes: Touching or rubbing your eyes can introduce germs and worsen irritation. If your eyes feel uncomfortable, rinse them with clean water instead.
  • Be cautious in public pools: Avoid swimming pools or hot tubs if there is a risk of infection. Chlorine can irritate the eyes, and public pools can harbor bacteria.
  • Maintain overall hygiene: Keep living spaces clean, disinfect commonly touched surfaces, and avoid close contact with sick individuals. Good respiratory hygiene also helps minimize the spread of germs.

By following these simple precautions, you can protect your eyes and reduce the likelihood of developing pink eye.

Personalized Eye Care for Irritated Eyes

At Red Deer Eye Care / The Eye Care Centre, we offer modern, family-focused services to address a wide range of eye conditions. With three locations in the Red Deer area, there’s an Eye Care Centre near you. From dry eye management to eye disease diagnosis, our team is committed to keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable. 

Don’t let red, irritated eyes interfere with your daily life. Book your appointment in Red Deer, Rimbey, or Rocky Mountain House, today to get the expert care you deserve and enjoy clear, comfortable vision again.

Written by Dr. Daryl Berger

Dr. Berger was born and raised in Red Deer. After studying at Red Deer College and the U of A, he graduated with honours from the optometry program at Waterloo in 2007. Daryl enjoys music, cars, biking, hiking, snowboarding and travel. He and his wife, Pamela, have twin boys and a dog named Gus.
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