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Up-To-Date Eye Care Information

Find answers and information for all your eye-related questions on our professionally-curated blog!

How Can My Optometrist Help Me?

It may sound biased, but I think it’s reasonable to say that optometrists are one of the most underused resources in the medical field.  In fact, there’s evidence to indicate that patients often seek help from a general practitioner for eye-related issues when an optometrist could treat the problem just as well, sometimes even better […]

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All About Glaucoma: Everything You Need To Know

Glaucoma is one of the major causes of vision loss in North America. But despite the fact that it’s quite common, few people know much about it until they’ve been diagnosed, and at that point, they may have already lost a good portion of their vision. By educating ourselves about glaucoma and similar diseases, we […]

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Finding Your Fit: Contact Lens Options for Hard-to-Fit Eyes

For most people, contact lenses are an excellent and versatile eyewear option. They allow you to enjoy day-to-day activities without worrying about the safety or cleanliness of eyeglasses. Unfortunately, I’ve met a lot of patients who have already determined that contact lenses are not for them. They wear lenses once or twice, find them too […]

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Is Digital Eye Strain Affecting Your Health?

By this point, most of us have heard that computers, smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices have some kind of impact on our eyes. Blue light lenses are incredibly popular, and everyone is looking for ways to prevent computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. We’re still learning about the precise causes and effects of […]

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The Future of Eye Care: Could Artificial Intelligence Replace Your Optometrist?

The beauty of technology is that it literally never stops changing. It seems that with every year, technological innovation alters every facet of life in one way or another. Whether it’s through the use of devices to control the lights, music, and thermostat settings in our homes, or the environmentally-friendly and futuristic self-driving electric cars, […]

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Corneal Implants: The Future of Vision Correction?

Despite the phenomenal leaps we are making every year in biological science and technology, the human eye is still irreplaceable. However, could corneal implants represent one future of vision correction by replacing reading glasses? As you crest 40 years old, you become an easier target for presbyopia, the age-induced condition which causes your near vision […]

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