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Up-To-Date Eye Care Information

Find answers and information for all your eye-related questions on our professionally-curated blog!

The Incredible Gift of Colour Vision

Among all the creatures in the animal kingdom, humans are the most well-adapted to life on Earth. We have thrived as we have evolved, and we can thank the amazing evolution of our eyes for helping us to witness the transformation. Our eyes, though not necessarily the most sharp, discerning, or expansive (in comparison to […]

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Protecting Your Eyes

A Bit of Foresight Will Help Preserve Your Sight! Something that we work hard to inform our patients about is the importance of preventative eye care. As Optometrists, we carry a certain amount of bias on the subject because of what we do and see (pun intended) every day. However, bias aside, there are a […]

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Patients with hyperopia, or farsightedness, have no difficulty seeing things that are far away, but experience blurred vision when attempting to focus on objects nearby, such as a book or restaurant menu. They may experience eyestrain, eye fatigue and headaches when straining to focus on objects at close range. Hyperopia can be caused by a […]

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As the body ages, many parts begin to change, functioning with less precision than they previously enjoyed. The eye is no exception. Aging eyes and vision, known medically as presbyopia, is largely due to a loss of elasticity in the ocular tissue. For people over the age of 45 this is a natural, if distressing […]

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Astigmatism is an eye condition where the cornea or lens displays irregular curvature. As a result, light refracts improperly or imprecisely on the retina causing blurry vision depending on the distance. A large number of individuals live with mild astigmatisms because perfectly shaped eyes are exceptionally rare. Poor night vision, frequent eye strain, repeated squinting […]

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LASIK Surgery

Eye conditions seriously affect your lifestyle, and come in many different forms including astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness and nearsightedness. Fortunately, new advances in refractive surgery make it possible to completely fix some problems and greatly improve others. With LASIK, laser surgery is used to precisely repair areas of the eye that control light refraction to the […]

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