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Up-To-Date Eye Care Information

Find answers and information for all your eye-related questions on our professionally-curated blog!


Glaucoma is an eye disease resulting from damage to the optic nerve from high pressure and improper fluid drainage inside the eye. The optic nerve stops sending signals to the brain when it is damaged, hindering its ability to function properly, diminishing neural activity from the brain, and potentially causing blindness. The three most common […]

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Strabismus, also colloquially known as crossed eyed, is an eye condition that makes it difficult for eyes to align on a solitary focal point and is often the result of injury or hereditary genetics. Also called wandering eyes, the disease is due to a muscular defect that turns one eye down (hypotropia), out (exotropia), in […]

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Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition that affects more than 30% of Canadians at some point in their lifetime. In fact, this condition will affect most individuals at some point to different degrees, and is caused by a number of different things. While dry eye is often undiagnosed, this condition may present itself in several […]

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